Atlanta Studio 12 is here to help your business with all its voice over needs whether you’re a small business or a large corporation.
Our professional voice production team is here to assist you with any type voice over and have the experience to get it done right….the first time.
Our extensive in-house team specializes in numerous genres of voice over recording services; including casting, directing, recording, editing, production, background and jingle music, mixing, audio post (post-production), audio restoration.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a radio or television commercial, an in-store announcement, a character for a video game or some menu options for a phone system. When you need voice work done. We offer a full range of services to keep your projects on track
At Atlanta Studio 12 we are here to make sure that you get the best voice over services possible, which is why we have developed a number of unique services designed specifically with you in mind. If you are looking for a voice over recording service then we are here to help you get the attention and dedicated assistance you are looking for. We know that many businesses today could benefit from professional voice over services which is why we offer high quality, budget friendly services for you.
For more information, fill out our contact form or email us at atlantastudio12@gmail.com.